Olive Tree Travel has a range of forthcoming tours which may be of interest to you. Please see below for a selection of tours we currently have availability on. If you would like further information please contact the Olive Tree Travel Office and we will be happy to assist with your enquiry.

8th January 202523rd / 27th January 2025Turkey & Greece16 or 20Journey with St Paul to Turkey with optional Greece ExtensionPastors Robert Ayoub & Nathan Muse Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
3rd February 20257th February 2025Israel5ENVISION: ICEJ Pastors/leaders Conference & Tour

Sarah Way Brochure Enquire now Holy Land Tours
Christian Pilgrimage Tours
24th March 20255th April 2025Greece13 The Gospel to Ancient Greece & EphesusIan & Mandy Worby Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
5th May 202524th May 2025France20A French OdysseyDianne Sharrock Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
6th May 202520th May 2025Italy15An Italian PilgrimageFr Tony Kerin Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
Catholic Pilgrimage Tours
7th May 202522nd May 2025Greece & Turkey16(featuring 3 night Aegean Cruise)Rev Peter & Sue Currie Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
28th May 202512th or 14th June 2025
Greece & Turkey16 or 18
Pilgrimage to Greece & Turkey with 3 day Aegean Cruise & Optional Cappadocia ExtensionFr Aurelio Fragapane Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
Catholic Pilgrimage Tours
13th September 202524th September 2025Italy12Brisbane Archdiocese Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome & AssisiBishop Mark Coleridge Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
Catholic Pilgrimage Tours
14th September 202526th / 30th September 2025Turkey & Greece13 or 17Journey to Turkey & Greece with Aegean Cruise & optional Northern Greece ExtensionRev Dr Anne & Rhod Wright Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
20th September 20256th October 2025Greece & Turkey17Journey in the Steps of St Paul to Greece & Turkey with 4 night Aegean CruiseGreg & Lynne Bondar, Every Home for Christ Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
27th September 202513th October 2025Greece & Turkey17Journey in the Steps of St Paul to Greece & Turkey with 4 night Aegean CruiseRev Scott & Natalie Goode Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
28th September 202516th October 2025Croatia & Medjogorje 19Pilgrimage to CROATIA & MEDJOGORJEFr Eduardo Orilla Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
Catholic Pilgrimage Tours
29th September 202512th October 2025Italy13Pilgrimage to Italy in the Jubilee Year of HopeFr Paddy Sykes Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
Catholic Pilgrimage Tours
6th October 202518th October 2025Greece13Faith CC Journey to Greece with 4 Night Aegean Cruise to Patmos & Ephesus Pastors Michael & Chiew Har Raj Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
25th October 20257th November 2025Turkey & Greece14Journey in the Steps of St Paul to Greece & Turkey with Aegean CruiseRev Stephen Pollard
Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
16th November 20252nd December 2025Poland & Germany18A Reflective Holocaust Studies Pilgrimage Rev'd Professor Mark Lindsay Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours
Theological Study Tours
26th November 202515th or 19th December 2025Germany, Netherlands & UK20 or 24REFORMATION '25Steve Leisk Brochure Enquire now Christian Pilgrimage Tours

The trip of a life-time with like-minded travellers in a secure and safe environment awaits you.

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